I’ve spoken at a couple events around the world and been interviewed on a couple podcasts.

One of my favorite ways to share my ideas is live on stage, where there’s so much more communication bandwidth than there is in writing, and I love podcast interviews because they give me the opportunity to answer questions instead of just present my opinionative view.


Serverless functions (FaaS): Secure, scalable, resilient, anywhere

Google Cloud Next 2020

Got to be a co-presenter in Google Cloud Next 2020 in session SVR201 called ’Serverless functions (FaaS): Secure, scalable, resilient, anywhere.’ I was ampted up to present in person with everyone but due to the pandemic this was a digital event. Check it out at the youtube like below:


IKEA’s Digital Transformation with Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform Podcast - Episode 236

I got invited to speak on the gcppodcast.com about my work at IKEA Retail (Ingka Group Digital) and about our digital transformation that we are going through. This talk also included How we think about serverless, our migration to the cloud, and how the team I work in operates - called Edge Engineering. You can listen to it at the link below or wherever you get your podcasts.

If you would like to reach out for future speaking engagements, please shoot me an email at: